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(August 1, 2019 – Frisco, Texas) SuccessEd, the innovative software provider for educators, is excited to celebrate its twenty-fifth year of service to Texas schools. Started as a custom development project for SELCO—Southeast Lubbock County Organization–a quarter century ago, SuccessEd is now proud to partner in service with more than 450 Texas school districts.

“The world looked very different twenty-five years ago,” says Rolando Ocañas, Vice President of Sales and one of the longest-tenured employees of SuccessEd. “Back in the early nineties, districts were still managing their special education programs on triplicate forms and the idea of using computers to improve this process was revolutionary. Amazingly, of all the companies that stepped up to address this need in Texas, only SuccessEd continues to faithfully serve Texas districts. To me, this is a testament to the power of a singular focus on serving Texas districts with quality products and world-class service,“ Ocañas added.

SuccessEd was founded by two brothers, Gary and Randy Guber. Asked recently what drove their interest in launching the company, Gary said, “Our intent was to improve the way education was being managed in Texas. Even then, we understood the benefit to staff and administrators of a one student, one system approach.” In reflecting back on the reasons for their success, Randy added, “We could not have done what we did without the help of the directors that we served. They helped us build the product into what they wanted. That is why we were successful.” Ocañas agrees saying, “Still today, because of our strong focus on building relationships with our customers, we honor and continue the legacy built by Gary and Randy of working collaboratively with our customers to continually develop their solutions.”

“There is something special about a Texas company serving Texas customers,” said Shannon Naber, Vice President of Product and the longest tenured employee of SuccessEd. “Our special education solution is Texas-specific from the bottom of the database to the top of the interface—built by Texas educators for Texas educators. In fact, the vast majority of SuccessEd employees are former Texas special educators. Absolutely no one else in the marketplace can make this claim. Because of this, SuccessEd can evolve our solution as the Texas educational landscape evolves. Our main focus remains to be the district’s partner and our Texas-based, world-class customer support team helps make this happen. The needs of our customers do not fall in line behind customers in California or Massachusetts,” Naber added.

Twenty-five years later, Denise Kirby is now the Director of Special Education for SELCO. When asked about her organization’s role in the founding of SuccessEd, Kirby said, “We are proud to have been the first customer of SuccessEd twenty-five years ago and we are proud of our continued partnership with them even today. Their contribution to the kids, parents, and staff of SELCO would be impossible to measure but it has been significant. We are grateful for their service and their friendship for so many years and look forward to our continued partnership for many more years to come.”

About SuccessEd

Founded in 1994, SuccessEd is an innovative educational software provider that puts time-saving data management tools in the hands of educators. SuccessEd helps educators track compliance and services provided to students in special education, Section 504, Dyslexia, RtI, and ELL. SuccessEd combines the latest in technology with expert knowledge and experience. Use of our programs results in actionable data that enables continuous review of the effectiveness of implemented strategies and compliance with federal regulations. Our solutions give teachers and staff more time with students, thereby creating opportunities for every student to be successful.

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